Daily Archives: June 25, 2011

LUV the Supremes

The Supreme Court yesterday ruled that Big Pharma cannot be sued under state laws for failure to list the known risks of taking their generic drugs. In other words, if they know they are selling you poison, they don’t have to let you know about it.

These right wing justices, who would themselves be in prison were our system of justice based on justice, are leaving law enforcement in these matters up to the federal government, whose Food and Drug Administration is run by Big Pharma, and covers up all but the worst outrages, as Big Pharma kills far more people from drugs known to be harmful and taken as directed, than the Mafia ever dreamed.

The irony of course, is that these same “honorable” justices are all for “states rights” when they get transnational corporations off the hook.

Down With Tyranny! Blog


Fortunes of War

This post from TPM featured an interesting chart showing the declining popularity of a host of Republican state officeholders, who, along with their cronies, have tried to remake their local governances in the image of the conservative ALEC conspiracy:

The connivances of the aforementioned ALECs are detailed here in a piece by William Cronon, a professor who then came under attack from right-wing zealots peeved that their undergarments should be thus revealed. Absent a tar-and-feather makeover, recalls seem to offer the best solution this summer…