Monthly Archives: October 2020

Unpacking the Courts

The repugs blather about court packing? It’s already a done deal, before the ascension of Amy “Goody Two Shoes” Barrett. We live under one-party rule, and they’re doing everything they can to maintain power in face of a shrinking minority base. Since Dick Nixon, 16 of the 20 judges who’ve become Supremes have been put there by republicans—witness the end of voting rights, the flood of dark money, and more yet to come. If you watch one video today, make it this one.

Trump’s Debts Listed: a Billion Dollars

Forbes breaks down what exactly Donald Trump owes:


Now available as a bumpersticker and a t-shirt:

Shameless Commerce Division

Somehow I always thought retirement would include days relaxing in a hammock and fruity drinks. Who knew it’d be so busy—the daily search-and-destroy missions to kill trolls on this site, work editing/typesetting/designing books for friends and family, progress on a manuscript. Last week I took a break and whupped up a page to peddle SDS paraphernalia, in an effort to keep the beans from getting too thin. I know many here are also on a limited income, but if you have a few shekels to toss in to show your support, it would be appreciated.