Mario Piperni on Mendacious Mitt

Romney v2.0 – New Lies, Same Slime

October 11, 2012 By

Calling a pathological liar a liar is apparently wrong if the liar in question is running for the presidency of the United States.

The election campaign of the 44th U.S. president is now calling another candidate for the American presidency a “liar.” This is a new low. It is amazing and depressing to hear this term being used as a formal strategy by people at the highest level of American politics.

“Liar” is a potent and ugly word with a sleazy political pedigree. But “liar” is not being deployed only by party attack dogs or the Daily Kos comment queue. Mitt Romney is being called a “liar” by officials at the top of the Obama re-election campaign. Speaking the day after the debate in the press cabin of Air Force One, top Obama adviser David Plouffe said, “We thought it was important to let people know that someone who would lie to 50 million Americans, you should have some questions about whether that person should sit in the Oval Office.”

What a load of crap…as is this statement.

Explicitly calling someone a “liar” is—or used to be—a serious and rare charge, in or out of politics. It’s a loaded word. It crosses a line. “Liar” suggests bad faith and conscious duplicity—a total, cynical falsity.

Please. Everyone understands that lying and politics go hand in hand so there’s nothing new there. But when was the last time a presidential candidate has lied with the frequency and intensity that Mitt Romney has? Never. Romney has broken new ground in his ability to shamelessly lie with abandon and change his positions to suit his audience.

This attempt by conservative media to shield Romney from his own words is pathetic. Their preferred scenario, no doubt, is that Obama and Dems play nice like the President did in the first debate when he allowed Romney to lie his way through ninety minutes of debate unchallenged. Hopefully, they’ve learned from that mistake and beginning tonight, Ryan and Romney will be called out publicly for the duplicitous game they’re playing with the electorate.

No one is suggesting that Romney acts in bad faith. We’re stating it. The man is a total fraud and every word that comes out of his twisted mouth is calculated to win over the low-information voter.

Romney is a liar. Say it, repeat it and know that you’re stating the obvious.


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